Well, plans DO change, don't they?
I had posted in an earlier post that we'd be alone on Christmas and not be seeing any family--
We have one son that is single and well, the last 3 years has spent Christmas day with us.
Seriously, who forgets things like that?
Then out of the clear blue the oldest son calls and says
something like, 'Hey Mom, what are you and dad doing on Christmas?'
Me, being sharp like a tack and excellent at 'recovery'...
Said, 'Why, I'm cooking Christmas dinner for your dad, brother, myself and your family, OF COURSE'
He said, 'What time?'
We've got to eat right?
So, this is a post about my Christmas dinner with the boys and one SWEET DIL and one very precious grand-daughter!
Alright- I haven't had many cooking posts here at CORN;
desperate times call for desperate measures.
I really needed a dessert. I had a boxed mix SPICE CAKE but no bundt pan.
I came up with an 'on the spot' fix for making this cake for Christmas dinner.
I washed this can really well-- but didn't remove the paper. (my thoughts were the paper has a waxed coating on it) I also buttered it. Hind sight being what it is-- I should have taken the paper off.
OH, and I might add I didn't have a big enough pan or two round cake pans either- so I used my 10 inch cast-iron skillet. I've made corn bread in it so I figured this would work well.
For the sake of REALITY BLOGGING---yes, this is what I did.
Now, I should have put water in the can to keep it in place, because once the cake began to rise, well the tin can fell over into the cake and made a complete mess of it.
I made necessary adjustments-got the cake out and let it cool, flipped it onto a cake plate
and below is the finished product.
My bundt! Complete with powdered sugar icing.
As you can see the HOLE is NOT round...
oh well.
I sliced it and served it to my family!
The next two photos are of my table.
I've never EVER done a table-scape and taken photos.
If you've read Corn in My Coffee Pot for very long at all...
You KNOW I have an eat in kitchen; a table-scape doesn't make great photos. BLECH!
So these photos are cropped-- that makes for better viewing, believe me.
Cue dream sequence music...
I thought it turned out pretty.
The red transfer ware were my great grandmother's -- they are pretty and red. So I used 'em!
The print on them is from the Homer Laughlin- HISTORICAL AMERICA collection.
These have a depiction of Betsy Ross and the American Flag.
The go really well with my Good Will Corel, don't you think?
The candlesticks were made by Honey in wood-shop about 43 years ago.
They are part of the inherited pieces from MIL home.
Cue music from PSYCHO ...
Now I should probably tell you-- after the cake NEAR DISASTER, the cornish-game hens took way longer to cook than the recipe stated. By the time they were finished cooking- we were FAMISHED.
I mean, we had already set down to eat and noticed they were NOT done --no CLEAR JUICES.
So back in the oven they went...FAMISHED I TELL YOU!
Finally, they're done after another 1 1/2 hours.
All of this is going on while a second wave of guests pops in (they think we've already eaten) so we visit a bit before they head on their way.
Just as we are about to sit down for the second time-- I decide the ribbon should probably come off the table..
Now, mind you, our glasses have iced-tea in them.
I spilled mine and ruined about half the deviled eggs.
By the time we sat down to eat.
Not only was I famished; but a little edgy too.
When it was all said and done-- I decided if it came down to having a mixed up crazy dinner with part of my family-- or having a perfect dinner without incident just Honey and I.
I'll prefer mixed up and crazy any day of the week.
Especially at Christmas!
Oh !
and I received one of the best compliments too.
My daughter in law told me everything looked so nice. She thought it was pretty.
That made my day!
That is my Christmas story-
I'll be transcribing this one into the family Holiday Journal too.
and sharing it here...

God Bless you
thank you for reading!
Aren't you a smart lady?
Everything looks wonderful.
Martha Stewart has nothing over you! What a wonderful Christmas story you'll be sharing for years to come. Indeed, everything was beautiful! I dub thee Queen of improvision!
Laughing I am!!!!!! I cued the appropriate music! What an effect!!!!
I love how creative you were with that cake!!!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!
Your table looks wonderful!
Having family around is the best part!!!
The pictures are beautiful. And the post was delightful!! Smart about the can for the bundt cake - I would have never thought of that.
(I popped over from Southern Belle with Northern Roots)
Oh, I laughed over this~ you are keeping it real! I made a turkey and ham for Thanksgiving this year in a double oven, and accidentally turned the wrong oven off, so we had no turkey! My 8 year old grandson was joking that Grandma wasn't going to get to cook the turkey anymore...it still worked out fine...and I mess something up every holiday dinner! Real life!
lol, I had some incidents as well, as I was trying to make things simpler...just let me say...It did not work. Oh,our group would have wrung out the eggs and ate them anyway!
I love the table setting and those dishes are wonderful...you have to do a patriotic table setting with them sometime! and the candlesticks are such a treasure!
I use my iron skillet fro lots of things, so that is a great tip!
Really enjoyed your story
Oh, for sure Lezlee-- hubby and I ate that half of the deviled eggs! No worries...what's a soggy deviled egg, right?
LOL you're a hoot! I'd sit in your eat in cropped kitchen if you handed me that homemade bundt cake any day. :)
All those kinds of things make for great memories btw. :)
HNY my friend!
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