Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fabric Labels- How to Make them for Cheap!

When I started sewing for profit, I invested in some fabric labels with my name and websites.  I purchased them from an Etsy seller, but they took a long time to ship and were about 30 cents a label!  I know that doesn't seem like much, but when I only sell an item for $5, only about $3 or so of that is profit.... and 30 cents is ten percent of my profit!

So, my frugal spirit went a-researching and found this excellent post from PatchworkPottery.  I followed her directions and adapted it a little to make my own labels.  Please read PatchworkPottery's post if you attempt this... it covers many of the nitty-gritty details that I don't mention here, just because this girl's already done such a great tutorial with the basic bones of this project.

The first time, I followed her instructions exactly and printed these labels on grosgrain ribbon.  They sew in nicely by top stitching, as seen in the photo below.

Then, I started thinking there must be a way to make the sew-in-the-seam labels that I loved so much from my expensive Etsy seller.  I bought 7/8" wide white satin ribbon and re-designed my word document to print this.

Don't forget to "mirror image" in your printing preferences before you print.  You are printing on iron-on transfer paper, so you must reverse the image so your words will not be backwards on your finished product!  I was so mad at myself when I wasted a sheet of this pricey paper because I forgot to click that!  

Anyways, then cut your paper in vertical strips, instead of horizontal as in the original tutorial.

Then find the right side of your ribbon.  If you are using grosgrain ribbon, there is no right and wrong side.  But, if you are using satin ribbon, you will need to be sure you iron your labels to the right side.
Put your paper with the printed side up, and then your ribbon, right side down.  I pinned mine together because I had such a small margin between the printed image and the width of my ribbon.  It worked really well- I just removed the pins as I ironed along the ribbon and my image was perfectly centered.
After you peel away the paper backing, you may notice this filmy stuff on the side of your ribbon.  It reminds me of peeling skin when you're sunburned.  :)  Ouch.  This is easy to cut away with fine-tip scissors.  Just trim it up so it looks nice and professional.
After my labels cooled, they started to curl.  At first I was so upset, thinking I failed in my new job as "label maker"!  But then I realized they curled much less when cut into individual labels, and I was going to stitch them flat anyways.  So I was no longer devastated about my new career.....

Cut your label strip into individual labels, making sure to leave enough room to fold over.  Finger press the fold- I would not recommend ironing this as there is a vinyl-type covering on the satin ribbon.  Don't think it would be good for your iron or your label.

Put your label into your seam.  Pin it well to keep it from slipping.

One trick I have learned over time... Pin the printed side of your label against the right side of your fabric.  In this wristlet, the pink is my lining and the black print it the right side.  When you turn your project your printing will be facing out.  Believe me, I've made a lot of things and then saw I put the label on backwards.... BIG bummer.

And that's it!  I love my new labels and think they look amazing.  And price wise?  My thoughts are they are about $0.05 cents per label... and that's much better than $0.30 each!  

Can you tell the difference in the labels I bought from Expensive Etsy Seller and the ones I made?


I welcome your comments or questions about these labels!  Please feel free to link to this post, but do not copy my wording or photos without permission.  Thank you!
Pin It!


  1. sounds a little confusing...what kind of paper did you print it on? they look GREAT though! very very nice. :)

  2. Ashley, you use iron-on transfer paper. I bought mine at target. If you read the original post from Patchwork Pottery she talks about all those nitty gritty details. Thanks for your sweet comments! :)

  3. kuddos on an awesome post! I have spent a fortune on these labels, so this tutorial is definitely getting bookmarked! -diane

  4. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I love this. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. I love the adaptation and resourcefulness. Every penny counts, great job!

  6. One day I will learn how to sew, one day I will learn how to sew, one day I will... And then I'll come back here because you're awesome to share all your tips and resources. :-)

    You should make taggie blankets...I would have bought one from you...I could never find one in stores!

  7. Have you tried a bit of spray adhesive on the back of ribbon, and adhering it to card stock in the appropriate spot on the cardstock (run it thru printer first for placement)...this will work with some printers better than others...this will save you time and money. And to add some more flair, you can add your photo to a label and print it on fabric (See my Jan 8, 2010 post). Your label looks great!!

  8. I'm so happy to have found this post! I've started selling some of my bags on etsy and I've often thought about sew-in labels, but my profit-margin is pretty slim. Thank you so much for this post!!!!

  9. Those. Are. Fabulous! What a great tutorial! Thank you for sharing!
    You should come link this up to my weekly Thursday Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!

  10. Those are great...I, too, ordered labels from an Etsy site. Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

  11. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Thanks for posting!!! I love the idea of making my own labels!!! I have one question ... would it rub off eventually? I'm not sure and was wondering if you have had any experience like this? Thanks so much!

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      I was wondering the same thing. How do they hold up to many washings?

  12. I need to make these for my blankets! I featured your tutorial at my blog:!

  13. I love this project! and would like to feature your project on my blog =D

  14. I just found you from tatertots and jello and love this idea. I will have to give it a try.

    Come and link up to my Fantastic Friday this next week - Jan 7th!

  15. I've seen this done several ways but never on folded satin ribbon. LOVE it! It looks soooo professional. If nothing else, I love that you can make as many or in my case, as few as you desire. I am so going to copy-cat your satin folded ribbon idea soon. Thanks a million for the creativity and tips!

  16. Just swinging back to tell you I'm featuring this as one of the Making It With Allie Features this week! Come on by and grab a button!

  17. I want some!! this is sucha great idea! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  18. I love your project so much I featured it this week!

    Come grab a button if you'd like. You deserve it. ;)

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  19. This looks like something I'd like to try. Thanks for sharing your tips.
    Cindy ~ your newest follower :)

  20. I love this idea - they really look so pretty! I've been looking around to purchase some tags and am so glad I came across your post. Thanks for sharing!

  21. If I could sew, I would want to add those little labels to everything I made! They look awesome. What a fun tip for the talented ladies out there who can sew!

  22. Thanks so much for coming and linking up to Fantastic Friday. Be sure to come back this week and share your latest creations with everyone!

  23. Hi,

    You have a lot of patience and I see that you are not afraid of work.

    Wishing you Good Luck in your sewing business.


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I'm so glad you posted this. I used to order mine from Charm Woven Labels, but that was expensive, so I ordered some from Etsy, but I would like a few more custom choices. I can't wait to try this!

  26. I'm definitely gonna try this one. I have ordered labels from Etsy but arn't crazy about them and would like lots of different styles without having to buy 500! :) New follower from TT & J

  27. Thanks so much for the post. Can you share the name of the font that you used?

  28. Great idea! Curious to find out if the print on the ribbon held up when washed? Thanks!

  29. I'm also wondering how well they hold up to machine washing - even on gentle cycle. Anyone?

  30. @Patty and @MamaOnABudget- I haven't washed these regularly as I mainly sew purses and bags that don't get washed regularly (if at all). So I can't speak to the washing. Anyone else want to chime in?

  31. Albertwarren2:55 AM

    Hatsoff to you!! I love to see label that is stitch with quilt corner it looks like printed on silky piece of cloth. I just want to know what kind of paper you use for print it on and would it rub off eventually from that piece. This post is also one of the best example of commercial label printing. Thanks for sharing it!!

  32. I love your way, thanks for sharing

  33. The computerised woven labels are one of the best options to create a unique identity for your business. You can make your business a brand with the aid of these printing labels. You can take pride in your creativity with the aid of these woven lavels.

  34. The woven labels can be great option for advertising your business. You can create a brand recognition for you with the aid of the woven labels.

  35. The woven labels are playing a vital role in conferring a bran recognition to the business organization. The woven labels also enhance the ambiance of the clothes in the best ever manner.

  36. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I find this labels more interesting because this label contains every detail which is mainly preferred by customer before buying it. I will try to make this label more informative by adding more details through product label printing machine.

  37. The woven labels are playing a vital role in conferring a bran recognition to the business organization. The woven labels also enhance the ambiance of the clothes in the best ever manner.

  38. I also want to know how well these hold up. Anyone make them for clothing?

  39. Really important written content. the information that you shown is hard to faith and many superbly i liked the way you afford things here

  40. Very good post you have done here.

  41. hey! that was a good work btw, but if you dont mind. May I know what kind of paper u use it? Thnks. I am newbie about labeling clothing. I hope any tips from u!

  42. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I love the idea, however I have transferred directly onto clothing. The result was always quite disappointing as it didn't wash well and the images started cracking then flaking off. However I haven't tried ribbons as clothing gets a lot more movement when worn and in the washer. It might last longer on something that's small and has no stretch to it.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Thank you for the tutorial, it's awesome !! ... I'm wondering, with washing and drying do the printings hold up to the ribbon?

  45. Destiny Medeiros2:26 PM

    i am so happy i found your post. i do have one question what iron on sheets do you use? my iron on sheets i print facing forward and not printed backwards. would i iron on the same way?i know with iron on vinyl wash and wear have always lasted on my clothing i would assume the same for these? also which would you say is better grossgrain or satin ribbon? thanks so much!!

  46. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Love this idea!
