kale soup

Over the past few years, kale has become the quintessential hipster vegetable. Kale (there is no exact translation in French) is a leafy green that belongs to the cabbage family. If broccoli and spinach had sex together, their offspring would probably look like kale. It has long been a favorite of hippies and vegans, but recently found a new popularity. Its health benefits are supposed to be abundant, as it contains iron, calcium, vitamins, and loads of fiber, among other things.

For all these reasons, I have been testing kale recipes, but I was first rebuffed by my family who didn't like to eat raw kale as a salad - its leaves can be a little thick and chewy. Finally, this kale soup has become a favorite of ours, so I can now share it with you. I have also been using kale as an alternative to spinach, sauteeing it in butter and garlic (add a little water to fully cook) and using it as a base for omelet or quiche (feta is a nice addition).

Ingredients (serves 6):
-      2 turnips, cut in cubes
-      3 carrots, sliced
-      1 potato, cut in cubes
-      2 leeks, carefully washed and thinly sliced
-      4/5 kale leaves, shredded (remove the central part of the leaf)
-      butter
-      1 cube of chicken bouillon

In a large pot, melt some butter and sautée the leeks on medium heat for a few minutes. 

Add the turnips, carrots and potato, then cover with water and add the chicken bouillon, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook on low heat until the carrots are fully cooked (about 40 minutes). 

Add the kale leaves and cook for another 10 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning. You can add water if you think the soup is too thick.

Puree with a blender until smooth. Serve with a dollop of creme fraîche on top. Blue cheese or feta crumbs are also a good alternative for serving.