Making the most of what one has often requires optimistic eyes. Welcome to Rose Colored Glasses, a blog all about realizing the beauty, and often hidden potential in creating home design on a budget.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Fever!

Yesterday I stopped at Michaels and picked up a couple of birdhouses to paint. This one shown below was claimed by my five year old :) So while he worked on his, I worked on mine... but after painting mine I realized it needed something more so I added an old railing piece from a broken chair and secured it to another scrap piece of wood.

I am loving how it looks on the new bird painted buffet I completed last week with some other things I have lying around the house.


Hope to see some of you at the fair on saturday! It is open from 8-3 at the Civic Center. Be sure to say hello if you stop in!

I'm linking up to Donna's SNS party at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so talented!