Thursday, October 15, 2015

One Room Challenge: Week Two

Today's post comes to you with a soundtrack. Get this song going in the background, then start reading. 
My plan so far is all black gloss, glass, chrome, grasscloth, and brass. With touches of aqua and silver. And maybe herringbone floors. Perfect for a bathroom, I think.

So far, though, I have not done much other than dream in my back-to-basics One Room Challenge bathroom. I'm telling myself that it's because this week is one of the two busy times of year at the nonprofit where I work, and I'm also seeing decorating clients. This weekend, though, I should be able to buy the paint to get started with the vanity I showed you in WEEK ONE

I really need to make some decisions on the window treatment to replace this shade. It might even now be too late for what I'm hoping for... The reveal is coming November 12!

Follow along for sneak peeks on Instagram

Be sure to check out the rest of the guest posts here and the 20 invited bloggers here. There is so much inspiration and talent!!! Thanks to all who have found me and given me encouragement so far! It means the world to me! :)


  1. Good luck! I had a pretty tame week too - gone 6 days out of 7. We'll both get caught up this week! I love everything you've picked out so far!!

  2. I had a crazy busy work week too! Here's to getting caught up this weekend!


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