Monday, December 7, 2015


I almost decided not to do Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt this year.  I have not gotten either  Grand Illusion or  Celtic Solstice quilted yet, and  I also have plenty of works in progress

 But I have baskets of scraps, and I'd rather use them than organize them, so I'm in again this year.  I'm saving my red scraps for Talkin' Turkey, and I don't have many gold scraps, so I'm choosing my own colors.

Step 1:  Bonnie used gray; I'm using yellow.

Step 2:  Bonnie used red; I'm using blue.                                                                                                    

We had to cut some squares too.  Bonnie used black; I'm using brown.

Linking up:



Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Loving your colors, look forward to seeing the finished units.

Gale Bulkley said...

The collection of colours sure looks good together. Can I take some lessons from you on that?

FVITH said...

I really love the combination of blue and brown, and yellow always pops against blue. I am looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

Kim said...

Excellent idea using your scraps instead of organizing much more fun. I love the colours you have chosen.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

You linked to your main blog address. I need you to link to your specific post with this URL: Please try your link up again! Thank you! said...

Wow this is going to fabulous

Vireya said...

Nice colour selections! Your link worked for me.

Feathers in my Nest said...

Love your Variety of fabrics.

Josie McRazie said...

Can't wait to see how your colour change up makes the quilt look!
While I finished Grand Illusion (and gifted it already) Celtic Solstice top is still sitting in my pile of tops to quilt! I am wondering how in the world I am going to quilt that beast as it is just a bit to big for my long arm!! LOL It will be a learning experience!!

quilt^nurse said...

I also have to quilt two previous mysteries. But so loved doing them with everyone. You will have a beautiful quilt.

Vicki in MN said...

I love your colors you chose, it will be fun to see how it turns out.

gayle said...

I love seeing all the color combinations! I think yours is going to be stunning.

Nicky said...

Looking forward to seeing how this comes together! I've never been brave enough to try a mystery quilt! Thank you for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!