After six crazy weeks of sanding, painting, sewing and so on; it's now time for the reveal!
Après six semaines folles de ponçage, peinture couture et j'en passe, c'est maintenant l'heure du dévoilement !
I thought I would never survive to all this work and stress because a whole room makeover in only six weeks is exhausting! But I am now proud to say that I made it! I have to admit I really doubted I could make it because with a little baby at home everything is more complicated and takes more time. Yesterday I spent the morning sewing (still) for a last DIY. Then the rest of the day was finishing decorating the room, hanging things around and finally taking pictures. That is to say that the room has literally been complete at the last minute! And after all this I didn't sleep yet as I am still awake to write this post because today is the big day for the reveal of my nursery!
In case you are joining now, I took part in the One Room Challenge Guest Participants organised by Linda of Calling it Home. It was a 6 weeks room makeover challenge and I chose to do my little baby's nursery. If you want to catch up and see what happened along this adventure you can do it here:
Week 1 "Project Nursery"
Week 2 "Nursery Plan"
Week 3 "Nursery Progress & Doubts"
Week 4 "Slowly but Surely"
Week 5 "DIY Time"
J'ai cru que je n'allais jamais survivre à tout ce travail et ce stress parce que la transformation totale d'une pièce en seulement six semaines c'est éreintant ! Mais je suis aujourd'hui fière de dire que j'y suis arrivée ! Je dois admettre que j'ai vraiment douté pouvoir y arriver car avec un petit bébé à la maison tout est plus compliqué et prend plus de temps. Hier j'ai passé la matinée à coudre pour un DIY de dernière minute. J'ai ensuite passé le reste de la journée à finir de décorer la pièce, accrocher des choses aux murs pour enfin pouvoir prendre les photos. Autant dire que la pièce a vraiment été terminée à la dernière minute ! Et après tout ça je n'ai pas dormi et je suis toujours réveillée pour écrire cet article car c'est aujourd'hui le grand jour pour vous montrer ma chambre de bébé !
Au cas où vous nous rejoigniez maintenant, j'ai participé au One Room Challenge Guest Participants organisé par Linda de Calling it Home. C'était un challenge de 6 semaines pour transformer une pièce et j'ai choisi de faire la chambre de mon petit bébé. Si vous voulez lire les précédents posts et voir ce qui s'est passé tout au long de cette aventure c'est juste ici :
Week 1 "Project Nursery"
Week 2 "Nursery Plan"
Week 3 "Nursery Progress & Doubts"
Week 4 "Slowly but Surely"
Week 5 "DIY Time"
So, if you don't remember here is what the room looked like six weeks ago.
Alors, si vous vous souvenez voilà à quoi ressemblait la pièce six semaines en arrière.
And here it is today.
Et la voici aujourd'hui.
I have to say that I am really happy with the result. It was a huge amount of work, but it was worth it!
Je dois dire que je suis ravie du résultat. C'était vraiment beaucoup de boulot, mais cela en valait vraiment la peine !
The wooden beads shelves above is a DIY that I will share with you soon on the blog.
L'étagère avec les perles en bois et un DIY que je partagerai bientôt avec vous sur le blog.
The same for this grey ombre abacus that I made and I will show you the how to in the next weeks.
De même que cet abacus en dégradé de gris que j'ai fabriqué et je vous montrerai également comment dans les prochaines semaines.
Can you believe this brass chain mirror is also a DIY!
Est-ce que vous pouvez imaginer que ce miroir doré avec chaîne est aussi un DIY !
And look what is hiding in the corner...
Et regardez ce qui se cache dans le coin...
A little fairy door! A whole world of imagination and dreams for little ones!
Une petite porte de fée ! Tout un monde d'imagination et de rêverie pour les tous petits !
This wall mounted bunny head was my last minute DIY. It was the first time I made something like that so it's not perfect but I like it with those long ears.
Cette tête de lapin murale était mon DIY de dernière minute. C'est la première fois que je faisais cela alors il n'est pas parfait mais je l'aime bien avec ses longues oreilles.
Well, that's it! I really hope you like my little angel's nursery and enjoyed following this makeover week after week. I will share all my DIY very soon and I will also make a post to source all the items I used here. Because I have to be honest right now my bed is calling me... It's weird because I am so tired and so excited at the same time. It was great to take part in this amazing challenge because it forces you to actually finish completely a room. And even if it was stressful it may sounds crazy but I loved it! So I really would like to thank Linda for organising the ORC and for giving us the opportunity to share our makeovers. I also would like to thank my friends and family for helping me. A very special thanks to my dear neighbours for being so patient! (Because sanding and spray painting makes noise and they never complained about it. So a big thank you for that!) And obviously a huge thank you to all of you for reading and following me during those six weeks! (And sorry if I didn't replied to your comments last week but honestly it was a crazy week and it was hard to find even the time to sleep...!)
Et bien voilà ! J'espère que vous aimez la chambre de mon petit ange et que vous avez également aimé suivre cette transformation semaine après semaine. Je partagerai tous mes DIY très prochainement et je ferai également un article pour vous dire où trouver les objets que j'ai utilisé. Parce que pour être honnête là tout de suite mon lit m'appelle... C'est bizarre parce que je suis si fatiguée et si excitée à la fois. C'était vraiment super de participer à cet incroyable challenge car cela vous oblige à vraiment finir complètement une pièce. Et même si c'était stressant ça peut sembler fou mais j'ai adoré ! Alors je voudrais sincèrement remercier Linda pour organiser l'ORC et pour nous donner l'opportunité de partager nos transformations de pièces. J'aimerais également remercier ma famille et mes amis pour leur aide. Un remerciement spécial à mes voisins pour avoir été si patients ! (Parce que la ponçage et le pistolet à peinture ça fait du bruit et ils ne sont jamais plaints. Alors un grand merci !) Et bien évidemment un énorme merci à vous pour me lire et m'avoir suivi pendant ces six semaines! (Désolé si je n'ai pas répondu à vos commentaires de la semaine dernière mais ça a vraiment été une semaine de folie et il était difficile de trouver ne serait-ce que le temps de dormir... !)
Now don't forget to have a look at the reveal of the other projects of the ORC Designers and the ORC Guest Participants right here.
Maintenant n'oubliez pas de jeter un coup d'oeil aux autre projets de l'ORC Designers et de l'ORC Guest Participants juste ici.
12 mai 2016 - 10 h 31 min
All the little details in your room are incredible! I love all of the little furniture you found. There are so many amazing things about your room that I can’t even begin to list them all. I guess I will just have to say I love it all and it turned out amazing!
12 mai 2016 - 10 h 35 min
Thank you so much Tilisa!!!
Those kind of words are like a reward after those 6 weeks of stress and doubts…
I’m really happy that you like my nursery!
Thanks again, you just made my day :)
30 juin 2016 - 16 h 21 min
I love the paint color. What is it?
12 mai 2016 - 11 h 42 min
C’est tout simplement magnifique! On voir que c’est fait avec amour dans les moindre détails. Mon coup de cœur pour la porte des fée.On rêve de devenir une petite fille pour avoir une chambre comme celle-là.
Tout ce travail en 6 semaines et avec un bébé, bravo Nadia.
13 mai 2016 - 11 h 26 min
Merci beaucoup Karina pour tes gentils mots !
Et oui, cette petite porte de fée me donne moi aussi l’envie d’être à nouveau une petite fille pour pouvoir rêver à un monde magique caché derrière nos murs…
12 mai 2016 - 11 h 50 min
Bravo !!! C’est superbe !!! Je veux bien le diy du miroir avec la chaîne 😜
Puis je relayer ce post sur mon blog ??? Bises
13 mai 2016 - 9 h 00 min
Merci beaucoup Muriel !!!
Ravie que ça te plaise et ça fait vraiment plaisir d’avoir des retours positifs parce que ça a été beaucoup de boulot…!
Pour le diy du miroir je vais le mettre en ligne bientôt le temps de préparer le post et vu que maintenant la chambre est finie je vais pouvoir consacrer plus de temps au blog ;)
Et oui, tu peux bien entendu relayer sur ton blog :)
12 mai 2016 - 13 h 17 min
C’est parfait, bravo! La fairy door, c’est génial! Je n’avais jamais vu, ça m’a fait pensé aux « hidden rooms » faites derrière des armoires comme dans Narnia qui m’ont fait rêvé pour mes enfants mais que je n’ai jamais réalisées car contrairement à toi, je suis dans le rêve mais pas dans l’action pour la déco.
J’ai adoré suivre ce périple et je souhaite de très jolies nuits à ta puce, je suis sûre qu’avec une maman comme toi, elle accèdera à un imaginaire merveilleux.
12 mai 2016 - 13 h 21 min
Bravo aussi pour : le lapin, les étoiles sur les murs (j’attends le post avec le listing), le choix des couleurs dans les peintures, l’étagères perles, le coffrage radiateur et le relooking des meubles qui étaient franchement moches au départ et finissent parfaits! ;-) Tu as de l’or dans les mains et des diamants dans l’imagination
13 mai 2016 - 11 h 35 min
Lala, Lala, Lala… Que dire après tes commentaires qui m’ont vraiment touchée !
Je ne trouve pas les mots mais tout ce que je peux dire que de te lire a été ma récompense après ces 6 semaines de doutes et de fatigue.
En tout cas un grand merci à toi du fond du coeur ! Je suis ravie que la chambre et la petite porte de fée te plaisent :)
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 04 min
Are you kidding me?! This room is amazing! You’re both going to love it for years to come.
13 mai 2016 - 11 h 39 min
Thank you so much Madeline! Happy that you love the room :)
A lot of work but I am happy with the result so I hope my little one will also love spending time there.
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 16 min
This room is so so so sweet. I adore all of your furniture pieces and the palate is stunning…the blush with warm white, grey and wood is so very pretty. I love that little bookshelf with the rounded wood posts and the pink crib is absolutely adorable. Amazing job!
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 02 min
Wow, thank you so much for your lovely comment Christine!
I smiled and I think I also blushed when I read it…
I am really happy to see that my « Design Hero » loves my nursery :)
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 27 min
this is my favorite so far! i am in love- the color palate, the furnishings…. so modern and cozy and sweet!
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 03 min
Thank you so much Cassie!
I am so happy that you love it and I can’t believe this is your favorite room so far…
You made my day!!!
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 44 min
Oh my gosh, how adorable! Every last detail is perfect! Enjoy!
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 07 min
Thank you Iris for your nice comment!
Happy that you like it :)
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 48 min
Every detail of this room is so PRECIOUS! Awesome job!
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 42 min
Thank you so much for your PRECIOUS comment Renee!!! Glad that you like the nursery :)
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 49 min
What a sweet nursery. I love the palette, so calming.
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 46 min
Thank you for the sweet comment Tiffany :)
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 51 min
What a sweet little nursery! The colors are so soft and lovely. I’ll definitely have to come back for the tutorial on the beaded shelves, and that fairy door is such a sweet touch! We have lots of old, dead outlets, and something like that would be a perfect way to hide those imperfections. Well done! You deserve plenty of rest.
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 54 min
Thanks Leslie! Happy that you like it!
I will post the beaded shelves soon ;)
12 mai 2016 - 14 h 52 min
The furniture and colors are so, so pretty.
13 mai 2016 - 12 h 55 min
Thank you Christina :)
12 mai 2016 - 15 h 09 min
This nursery is so precious! I’m in the same boat as you…having a child around does make everything take that much longer to do. But you did it and it looks fabulous!!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 00 min
Babies… they make you crazy when you have a to do a room makeover but no matter what you still love them so much!!! I am sure you know what I am talking about :)
Anyway, thanks for the nice words and I am happy that you like the nursery!
I hope my little one will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed decorating it for her :)
12 mai 2016 - 15 h 24 min
Nadia!! This nursery is the sweetest space for your baby!! Congratulations on creating such a beautiful and cozy room. That rug is everything. I can picture you both sprawled there for hours. And the fairy door is the cutest thing in the world. Does it open and have something inside? My daughter will die when she sees that. I love the colors you chose and the pretty stars scattered throughout. It is really Magical!! bisous!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 03 min
Albertina, thank you SO MUCH fro your nice words!!!!!!
Those 6 weeks have been crazy and I don’t know how you did it 4 times now I think… You are a super hero :)
Anyway, I am very happy to see that you like it and I am sure little miss A would love to have a fairy door in her new beautifully decorated bedroom! To answer your question, yes you can open it and I will do share a DIY soon to show you what is inside :)
12 mai 2016 - 15 h 38 min
Adorbs!!! So so precious!!!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 04 min
Thank you so much Julie :)
12 mai 2016 - 16 h 42 min
OMG Nadia, this is the prettiest minimalist nursery I’ve seen so far! I love everything that went into this space, stylish, and still kid-friendly! Difficult balance, I know, since I finished a nursery last time for ORC and now my son’s room! Job well done, one of my faves for sure! Cheers to us!
15 mai 2016 - 12 h 20 min
Thank you so much Vel! A room makeover with a baby is a stressful « adventure » but once it’s done you are left with a huge satisfaction :)
Now I just have to get ready for the next ORC maybe…
12 mai 2016 - 17 h 06 min
What a beautiful space for a precious little girl. I love the little stars that are sprinkled around the room!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 16 min
Thank you Tammy for your precious comment :)
12 mai 2016 - 17 h 13 min
Bravo! This nursery is dreamy. I love every detail. Congratulations on a fantastic job!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 17 min
Merci Sueli!!!
Happy that you love the nursery!
12 mai 2016 - 17 h 43 min
My goodness, this is the most adorable nursery. That fairy door… so sweet! Every last detail is so well thought out and I love all of the DIY’s you incorporated!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 19 min
Thanks Krystle! I’m so glad that you love the nursery and the DIY I incorporated :)
A makeover on a budget means you have to make or DIY a lot of things instead of just purchasing items but I guess this is what also makes the room unique.
12 mai 2016 - 20 h 17 min
Je n’arrive pas à croire que tu ais pu faire tout ça en si peu de temps! C’est incroyable! Vraiment bravo!
Je suis ton blog depuis un moment et j’ai toujours trouvé ta deco superbe. Je n’ai jamais laissé de commentaire mais là ton travail le mérite mille fois! J’ai une petite fille et je sais oh combien le temps est précieux avec un bébé et je te félicite pour tout ce travail.
Profitez bien de cette belle chambre :)
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 24 min
Merci merci Alice !!!
Ravie de lire des commentaires comme le tien, c’est l’idéal pour illuminer ma journée :)
Je suis ravie que la nouvelle chambre de mademoiselle te plaise ! Après 6 semaines éreintantes cela fait vraiment plaisir d’avoir et de lire des retours tellement encourageants et positifs.
Encore merci !
12 mai 2016 - 21 h 40 min
I love this so much! All the little details - the fairy door and ladder! So wonderful.
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 25 min
Happy that you love the room and the fairy door Carolyn :)
And thank you so much for the lovely comment!!!
12 mai 2016 - 22 h 30 min
Such a sweet, sweet space. All those painted vintage pieces make it truly one of a kind. Love it!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 30 min
Maggie thank you for your nice comment! I am really happy you love the nursery :)
12 mai 2016 - 23 h 15 min
Oh this is such a sweet and beautiful nursery. I just love it all! So well done, and congratulations. I know what it’s like to do these bigger spaces with little ones afoot. Kudos and enjoy.
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 31 min
Thank you so much for the nice words Ashlea!
And I am happy to see that you love the room and glad to see that I am not the only one with little ones afoot ;)
13 mai 2016 - 2 h 33 min
Such a sweet and serene room! I LOVE the wooden details on the shelves. Nice job!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 33 min
Thank you for the lovely comment Charlotte!
I am glad that you love the nursery :)
13 mai 2016 - 2 h 42 min
Beautiful color palette, and that fairy door is perfect. Great job!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 34 min
Thank you so much Erin!
happy to see that you like the colours of the nursery and the fairy door!!!
So many nice comment about this cute and magical little door… I will post a DIY soon ;)
13 mai 2016 - 4 h 41 min
This has to be the prettiest nursery I have ever seen! love!!!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 35 min
Thank you so much Jessica! Reading that it’s probably the prettiest nursery you have ever seen just made my day!!!
Thanks again :)
13 mai 2016 - 5 h 12 min
Quel plaisir de voir le résultat de tes idées géniales ! quel talent mon amie ! cette installation est un vrai régal pour les yeux c’est cosy et très chic… aussi la porte des fées est top j’irai bien y faire un tour pour prendre le thé … Félicitations pour cette réussite Maysoon est une petite fille très chanceuse d’avoir une jolie maman si douée . J’ai hâte de voir les « DIY »
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 37 min
Ma petit Jo, contente d’avoir de tes nouvelles et de te lire surtout !
Je suis ravie de voir que la chambre te plaise et j’espère que mon petit `gremlins saura l’apprécier :)
En tout cas encore une fois merci pour tes gentilles paroles…!
13 mai 2016 - 5 h 27 min
Love, love, love that mini papisan chair! And the shag rug….I adore it! We put a could be identical one into our ORC space! Congrats on a beautiful outcome!
13 mai 2016 - 13 h 40 min
Thank you so much for the lovely comment Heather and I am really happy that you love the room!
Every time I read nice words as yours I just smile and I forget about all the stress and doubts of the past 6 weeks.
Thanks again!!!
13 mai 2016 - 15 h 39 min
I adore it! I wish I had thought to paint my crib pink with my babies-such a great focal point! Such a lovely room :)
15 mai 2016 - 8 h 57 min
Thank you so much Kristin!
I always wanted a coloful crib and when I bought this vintage baby bed I tought it was perfect for that :) At the beginning I was planning to paint it grey and then I changed my mind for that pink and no regret! I love it!
13 mai 2016 - 18 h 46 min
As I scrolled down through all the fabulous photos, I found myself ooohing and aaaahing over every sweet little detail. Perfection! Congratulations on completing this room while caring for your infant angel! Now take care of yourself!
15 mai 2016 - 9 h 01 min
Wow, thank you so much Merlyn!!!
I smiled reading your comment, I never thought someone would ooohing and aaahing looking at the pictures of my nursery… Thanks for making me happy with your lovely words!!!!!
14 mai 2016 - 4 h 01 min
Your nursery is beautiful. The soft colors are wonderful and I love all the goodies you’ve added in to give the room personality. Congratulations!
Thank you for joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday. :)
15 mai 2016 - 9 h 02 min
Thanks Stacey, I am glad that you like it :)
14 mai 2016 - 21 h 55 min
OK, no kidding, this is one of my top 5 ORC from this year. I can’t believe you pulled it off with a baby! and so many DIY projects. I love it all.
15 mai 2016 - 9 h 15 min
Thank you so much Mila! It makes me SO HAPPY to be one of your favorite room makeover of this year :)
Thankfully my family helped me to complete the room especially at the end. During the last 2 weeks her grandma became the official emergency babysitter! She kept her for 3 whole days (and I missed her so much…) so I could finish upholstering the daybed and other things in the room. I didn’t sleep a lot during the whole ORC but I never would have made it without help because my little baby is « attention seeker » so she doesn’t let me do a lot of things unfortunately…
Anyway I love her new nursery and those sacrifice were totally worth it :)
15 mai 2016 - 3 h 16 min
Nadia this nursery is perfection. I love the soft soothing color and the wee fairy door is pure enchantment. Thank you so much for linking up to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You make our gathering a happier place.
15 mai 2016 - 8 h 51 min
Thank you so much Laura for the nice comment and thank for giving us the possibility to share our projects with your readers :)
I am happy that you like the new nursery!
15 mai 2016 - 4 h 28 min
Great job on the nursery. It looks very serene and peaceful. I can’t believe you were able to do it all in just 6 weeks and with a baby. One question, did you also DIY the daybed ? It completes the overall look.
15 mai 2016 - 8 h 49 min
Thank you so much Daniele and I am glad you like my nursery :)
As I said those 6 weeks have been CRAZY and I never thought I could do it so I had to sacrify my sleep to complete the room… But when I look at it now it makes me so happy, totally worth it!
About the daybed it’s a vintage french bad that I bought months ago, I didn’t have the space for it at the time but I lover it so much so I bought without really know what to do with it. And when I moved in this new home I thought it would be perfect for my daughter’s room. During the ORC I think it has been the most time consuming project!!! Because I had to paint, reupholster it completely with that grey linen I found (I hated the previous ugly and old floral fabric…) The good thing is that it has been for me a good way to learn how to do the double piping cord ;) I am pretty happy of the result even if it’s not perfect.
15 mai 2016 - 13 h 59 min
Thank you so much for sharing your time, talents and wonderful creativity with us at TOHOT!
17 mai 2016 - 12 h 30 min
You are welcome :) Thank you for the nice words Jemma!
15 mai 2016 - 21 h 28 min
Thanks for getting back to me about the daybed. It was totally worth it. You definitely have a new follower. By the way, kudos for writing your blog in both French & English, being bilingual myself I can appreciate the effort it must take.
17 mai 2016 - 11 h 36 min
I love this room so much! Every single little detail is perfect. The fairy door is so cute! And I can’t wait to hear more about the beaded shelf. I’m rounding up my faves from the ORC - I hope you don’t mind me sharing.
17 mai 2016 - 12 h 32 min
Thank you so much Lizzie!
Happy that you like the nursery and you can obviously share it :)
I hope your readers will also like it!
17 mai 2016 - 13 h 41 min
What a lovely room.
You did such a great job.
Thank you for sharing this at TOHOT.
17 mai 2016 - 21 h 30 min
Thank you Laura! Glad you like the new room :)
17 mai 2016 - 20 h 04 min
Your room is stunning! Your DIY bunny head is adorable, I love the long ears on it!
- Jaclyn
17 mai 2016 - 21 h 33 min
Thank you so much Jaclyn :)
Happy that you like my last minute DIY! This bunny head is cute, unfortunately I didn’t take pictures of this DIY as I wasn’t sure how it would turn out.. But I will try to make another one to share the « how to » on the blog ;)
18 mai 2016 - 3 h 00 min
It turned out beautiful!! I love the bed and the colors you used. There are so many pretty pieces and details in this space. Pinning!
23 mai 2016 - 22 h 34 min
Thank you so much Kathy!
Happy that you like the nursery :)
20 mai 2016 - 4 h 14 min
Oh my goodness! I love every single detail in this nursery. I can’t believe some of the pieces that you that you DIYd. How talented! Everything is just so sweet and precious. You did an amazing job and should be very proud.
23 mai 2016 - 22 h 35 min
Thank you so much Sarah for the nice comment :)
Glad that you like my little one’s nursery and my DIY. It was a lot of work but totally worth it!
Thanks again!
9 juin 2016 - 3 h 39 min
beautiful transformation! love the daybed in the room!
16 juillet 2016 - 19 h 26 min
Love the paint color. What is it?
24 juillet 2016 - 22 h 17 min
Misty Mink by Valspar ;)
10 septembre 2016 - 3 h 15 min
Absolutely stunning! The colors you used are so pretty and restful I think. The little fairy door is just brilliant! You’ve done so many creative things…no wonder you were exhausted! :) I’m glad I saw this.
10 septembre 2016 - 16 h 00 min
Thank you Pat!!!!
Really happy that you like my little angel’s nursery :) It was a lot of work but totally worth it.
I will post soon the DIY for the fairy door ;)
19 octobre 2016 - 13 h 20 min
Beautiful, playful and serene! Perfect :)
I LOVE the rug - Would you mind sharing where you got it?