Piecing and Hexies

Last night I decided to get the hexies back out to work on while I watched the Olympics – this is where I left off last time on Handful of Scraps.  I planned on working on the area of neutrals again on the lower left.


The units for the brick scraps are piling up and no I didn’t make a dent into my scraps for this queen size quilt.  One would think that would happen but when I look back up on the shelves the empty spots have quickly expanded and filled back in, that fabric was packed in pretty tight!  I am going to keep sewing units together in pairs until I get all on the table sewed together – then I will set them in rows on the floor or design wall (need to clear it off if I do that) and start putting the rows together.


When I was cleaning out the project box from the Wagon’s West quilt –  I found one more block, I remember making it now  and it was around that time I had decided to not make anymore.  So I have one lone block to use and will think of something for it – maybe it will be the center for a table runner I’m not really sure right now but I have it pinned to the design wall so I do not forget about it.  I do not want a pillow – I really do not use them that much and they kind of get in the way – it is about 12.5 inches.


I am linking to Mrs. Sew and Sow today and of course Lorna’s Sew Fresh Quilts.

5 comments… add one
  • Deb Aug 9, 2016 @ 6:53

    maybe a candle or centerpiece mat if you don’t want to do a whole runner….it sure is pretty and wants put to use 🙂

  • Kathi Aug 9, 2016 @ 11:46

    I have a machine appliqued single block I have been planning a table mat for.. not sure of my design yet.. will look forward to see what you do with your one lone star .. sure is a pretty one!!
    I love the hexi project and the legend you pinned to your design board… and I am really enjoying seeing your bricks disappear into twosies also! Hope Final Frontier is seeing progress also 🙂 Kathi

  • Kim Webb Aug 9, 2016 @ 18:21

    It’s amazing how you can pull out fabrics for a whole quilt and it still looks the same on the shelf.
    Enjoying watching what you are doing with the bricks to see how it’s going to turn out.
    The Wagons West quilt turned out beautiful.
    I have been working on a small wool project while watching the Olympics.

  • Nicky Aug 10, 2016 @ 0:36

    Medallion centre perhaps!? It is a lovely centre. The Handful of Scraps project looks lovely and vibrant – hope the Olympics help to finish it! Thank you for joining up with #scraptastictuesday!

  • Puppilalla Aug 10, 2016 @ 6:28

    Wow, you spent some serious time piecing Hexies. The lone block is beautiful. What about applying it to a tote bag? Or how about set of napkins made with orphan blocks?

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