yesterday 3/26/25 was my 9-year anniversary....moved to maryland in 2016...has been a tumultuous span with 3 major surgeries, a move east, losing mom, car bit the dust....a challenge to be settled when it feels as though i've been dropped into a foreign country. plenty of events to take in but without car, totally incarceration of sorts....
on the upside have left long winters behind, see my daughter more often, learned to enjoy crabcakes (an easy one), carefree cozy apartment living....perturbed that i've been put out to pasture while still vibrant and capable and mentally with it...downright annoying and exasperating!
to keep sane, i've been sewing up half hexies this week and the other 3 borders are ready to finish...also been planning a couple more wish projects and today making spaghetti sauce. i've also upped my bike time to 20 minutes and thinking 5 days per week gives me 100 minutes...respectable goal to keep heart healthy as long as the knees hold up....LOL
anyway, the sun is out and spring days increasing with nature's colors exploding...not a moment too soon!