Thursday, 23 July 2020

Parchment Cards 

i think that the Groovi Plates are fantastic.
Just work with the plate or add others into your desing
Also its very relaxing....unless your peko cutting lol.

Here are a few of mine.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Parchment idea....

I am still doing Charity Cards but i decided to 
try my hand at butterflies....
Parchment ones that is....

So here is my first attempt....
(From Pergomano Magazine).

Thursday, 21 February 2019


  1. Happy New Year

Just playing this month.
There have been a few things i have wanted to do, so now
the Christmas rush of cards is over....i can just play....

 here are a few things i have made recently.

Firstly my Parchment....
this one too two days..

Also some colouring with 
Bennett Klein Images

Friday, 13 July 2018

Christmas Cards


I had two new stamps i wanted to use this Christmas...

The single Ponsettia is a Woodware Stamp

The set of Ponsettias come from Sheena Douglas Christmas 2018 Collection 

I hope you like them......

2 Woodware Stamps 

Sheena Douglas Stamps below

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Bennet Klein Images (Colouring Books).

Bennett Klein - Colouring Books.

Images drawn by BK are beautiful.
I have really enjoyed loosing some hours just crafting.
were stuck in with snow just now, so what to do?  Yip i colour..

Hope you like them...