BYOD! "Bring Your Own Device" to FHE!!
Our family has long since out grown those cute FHE folder lessons (and quite honestly, most of the FHE Manual chapters) - so I prayed for a NEW way to reach my teens with FHE's that would get our family studying and talking - not just listening (and/or rolling their eyes) to a prepared lesson. I am thrilled with the direction the Lord took me and I AM SO EXCITED to share it with you as a free printable!
It's quick, it's interactive, everyone participates, it's effective AND a lot less work for Moms!
HOW IT WORKS: The concept is basically a combination of our favorite devices, Gospel Topics and the core Church materials we have - I call these the "Search & Study" Resources. Print and trim the strips - then on the back, write topics you would like your family to study during upcoming FHE's (or... let everyone contribute topics to the jar). You can come up your own or use ideas from church resources like chapters from the Preach My Gospel Manual. Store your strips in a jar or tin (curl them if you want with a pencil). During FHE, each family member draws a "Search & Study" Option (or church resource) and someone in the family draws a Topic. Next, SET A TIMER for whatever works for you that night (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes - or maybe you only have time for a 3 minute speed round) - then each family member speed-studies the topic with the resource they drew. When time is up, everyone shares something they found that they liked or something they learned.
My ultimate goal when designing this format was to help fortify my teens testimonies, to better prepare them for missions, to give them regular practice "Searching & Studying" - all the while creating a casual family atmosphere for diving into meaningful Gospel Discussion.
Making the "Search & Study" Resource sticks for my jar was easy. Since I designed them as 1" round images - I just printed the 4x6, punched the images with a 1" punch and used my epoxy/dome stickers and bottle caps from Fizzy Pops to finish them. I glued them to popsicle sticks making them perfect for my jar!
* My "flattened" bottle caps are from Fizzy Pops! These guys are my favorite affiliate!!
Or... you can also ModPodge them to 1" glass domes that you can get at the dollar store. They aren't as bright and crisp as the bottle caps - but if you prefer, it's a good option and they'd look darling in a little glass dish! You could also mount to 1" wood discs or just laminate - anything that makes them more durable since you'll be using them every week.
WHY I LOVE THIS FORMAT... Along with accomplishing a lesson, this format gives family members time to search, study and discuss the gospel together. I love that it evokes quality family discussion on Gospel Topics (without forcing a lesson) - somewhat mirroring the inspired format used with the youth in "Come, Follow Me." The timer aspect (which my kids love) helps the family incorporate FHE, even during a busy week! It also sets expectations for busy teens and gives the family flexibility of how much time to spend on the "Search and Study" aspect (which can vary week to week). Best of all, it can casually be done at the dinner table on a Sunday Evening or be done in whatever formal Family Home Evening setting works for you. Family members can access their resource on any device, which they will love! It becomes an interactive lesson where it's not just the preparer contributing, everyone participates and contributes. I have felt this is also less work for me - but the result is WAY BETTER than a traditional lesson... you've GOT to try it!!
I also love that it promotes independent study (within a family setting) + is a fun way to get your teens digging into (and learning from) the awesome church resources we have. It's a training ground for them to find tidbits and gospel gems they can contribute to the discussion; which doubles as a training ground for teaching them how to prepare talks, lessons, etc! If you have teens and little ones - your little ones can draw a picture of the topic or browse Scripture Story Books or The Friend while everyone else studies their resource. Overall, I would say this format is ideal for age 12 and up - but could be implemented with any kids that can read. Training them to use the index and look up topics to find a gem to share would be an excellent skill to teach them, even as an 8 year old!
THIS HAS BEEN A GAME CHANGER FOR OUR FAMILY... and I hope it can be for yours too!

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LOVE this!!! Thank you for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea, and how generous of you to share it. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! It's just my YSA-aged nephew and I and FHE is so awkward, but I think this will really help. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThis is so wonderful! I think I will use it in my youth Sunday school class! I've been trying and praying on how to make it better, I feel this is it! Thank you so so much!!!
ReplyDeleteOh! I hadn't thought about that! Great way to let the kids dive into the gospel with a medium they love!
ReplyDeleteI really love this! Thank you for sharing!