Woot! Woot! We are at the halfway point of the One Room Challenge. This week’s project is an accent wall made from rope. Yes, you heard that right. We are DIYing an accent wall out of rope.
After our very rough week 2, we took a step back to regroup. I am happy to announce our Laminate Cabinets are repainted a stunning Navy and are looking great! We have also started working on the Rope accent wall. I think I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Rope accent wall in the mudroom/laundry room
For this 3rd week, it has been all about the Accent Wall. I knew from the beginning I wanted to bring in some sort of texture. The space is small but has 13 ft ceilings. The texture will add some warmth to the room. Because we already have a vertical wood wall and a skinny wood wall in this house, any type of wood accent walls were out. I also felt I wanted to add a very causal nod towards the nautical. So with texture in mind, I began to search. One day, while traveling in the UK, I was googling ideas for accent walls and found this wallpaper on a UK decor site by a company called Direct Wallpapers.
Although this is photographed rope made into wallpaper, I immediately thought real ROPE!!! YESSSSSS. Hubs will love this! To my surprise, he did and immediately set to work figuring out how to attach it to the wall. Side note: My Husband is an Engineer. His first instinct is always “how,” while mine is to run for the glue gun, and then I am ready to go.
Rope Wall being attached to the plywood.
After deciding to attach the rope horizontally after realizing it would be much easier to install the 5.5 ft x 13 ft wall in sections. We secured the rope to 1/4 inch plywood (cut into 4.5 ft wide ft x 4 ft high) with my very favorite tool, a GLUE GUN.
WARNING: This was extremely time-consuming, and we ran into a few snags.
1. The ends of the rope fray easily. So we wrapped the ends with electrical tape before cutting for each cut. We used a PVC pipe cutter to cut the rope. Thanks for that suggestion Home Depot!
2. We applied hot glue to the rope’s ends after cutting to prevent fraying once the electrical tape was removed.
3. Did I mention it’s time-consuming!
Next we installed the plywood using drywall anchors to attach each section to the wall.
I’ve been asked several times about the shelf attached. Here is the link to the leather we used for the leather straps and the shelf We haven’t decided if we are going to finish the edges next to the wall or not. We could run a piece of rope or perhaps something else?? We will figure that out in the next week. Next up is the countertop for the washer and dryer. We have decided to go with a wood counter instead of the original plan of concrete. I think I will like the wood against the gorgeous Navy cabinets.
More to come next week,
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Oh my ! So sorry for your snags, but it does look like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So proud of you for your persistence. The texture and originality will be worth all of the effort. Can’t wait to see more next week! Susie from The Chelsea Project
This wall is going to be amazing and it is such a clever idea. I can’t wait to see the finished room.
That rope wall is amazing! Great work!
That is so unique and gorgeous! I love the texture it brings to the space!
wow that’s a lot of work and one hot nautical laundry room coming up in 3 weeks! looking forward to following along!
Wow!!! What an inventive idea for a wall treatment. It looks great!!! Can’t wait to see next week!!
It looks so cool! I love the texture that it brings to the space!
Wow, what a cool idea! I have never seen anything like this!
What a cool idea! Texture galore. I love ingenious husbands who help us figure out our crazy ideas!
What a fun wall!!
This may be one of the smartest designs I have seen in a long time!! Such great texture and I love the color and warmth that it adds! Congrats on your new accent wall
Such a neat idea!! What patience! It looks fabulous!
I am in love with this. In love, I tell ya!
what a fun wall. I have never seen anything like this!
Omg I cannot imagine the time and hot glue gun burns you suffered for this wall, but it is super amazing! Good luckkkkk in the next couple of weeks!
Pretty Awesome!! How much did the rope cost?
Total it was maybe 200??? It was more expensive than I originally thought but the thickness of the rope covered more so that helped. That total covered the plywood and glue.
Thanks for stopping by!
I absolutely love this wall !!………unfortunately so would my cats
Ahahaaaa!!! Debra! I’m laughing so hard right now. That was my first thought. It’s gorgeous, but would be frayed in a matter of minutes in my house.
LOL, I just told my daughter about your and Debra’s comments and she was soooooo excited! They just bought a house and want a mini version of this rope wall for their cat Penelope! hehehehe.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
My daughter thinks you have stumbled on a brilliant idea and has requested a mini version of this wall for her new house and kitty!
It will be a dust collector.
LOL, Luckily I am armed with a Dyson vacuum cleaner which has some amazing attachments.
I wonder how this would look around a fireplace?
Curious how this has held up? Did the glue fail anywhere?