Psalm 19:1--The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork.

I wish to apologize to anyone who may be having trouble making comments on my posts. I appreciate your visit so much, and wish I could read what you have to say, but something is going on with my computer, and until I can get the issue addressed, this may continue. Please keep visiting! Also, often I cannot make a comment on some posts I look at, particularly those who ask for me to show I am a guest. I have noticed sometimes someone can only comment in the "Reply" section of another comment...if that's all that works, then that's fine! Let's keep visiting no matter what happens, and know we are touching each other with our creativity and thoughts and images even when we can't get (or leave) feedback. God bless you my dear blogger friends!

10 November 2017

That Gumdrop!

Trying to connect the few posts I am doing each week to the several memes I enjoy participating in!  Let's start with Saturday's Critters with Eileen, and a couple of visits with Gumdrop the Donkey:

Gumdrop is in our neighborhood and is a source of such joy...we always look for him in his paddock when we drive out, and occasionally will stop and give him apple pieces, which he loves.  But he still doesn't want to be petted! :-)

Here at two recent videos of us feeding Gumdrop:

Now on to Mersad's two memes, Through My Lens, and My Town Shootout:
Redmond, the town closest to us has many wonderful statues on display, including this huge "Welcome to Redmond" Art Deco piece on the highway....

The cowboy statue, too much in shadow...I'm hoping to get some better photos later

And our lovely peak color of a few weeks ago...the color is now about gone now, as we move into winter now here in Central Oregon.....

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