Lately, I have a question pacing back and forth in my head.
You know the kind. Constantly nagging at you. Annoying. You just can’t shake it.
Like “diner” smell on your clothes or 90’s R&B lyrics in your brain.
The question is this, “What’s the balance between praying and believing God for something vs. rolling up my sleeves and getting to work?”
As someone who has a real entrepreneurial spirit, the struggle is real.
My natural default is the, “if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me” approach. I know, not my finest quality.
However, my heart is always to trust God. I want to walk so closely with Him by faith. I want to hear His voice and move in obedience not just go about striving, grinding, slaying, hustling (or whatever else the kids are calling “work” these days) in my own strength.
Recently, I picked up TD Jakes’ newest book, “Soar.” In it, he dives deep into this very concept.
I gotta tell you, it’s speaking to me in so many ways. I couldn’t wait to share because he talks about things we’ve talked about here at No Small Life before…only much more profoundly and with deep booming vocal chords because…TD Jakes.
The truth that’s grabbing me is both simple and profound. In “Soar,” he talks about focusing on the things you possess right at this moment and then simply maximizing those things. Like I said, it’s simple, but life-changing if you’ll allow it to be.
One particular example he gives is this; “God never made a table.”
He never made a chair, never made a house. God simply gave us trees. He also gave mankind an incredible gift, something he didn’t entrust to any other creature. He gave us the human brain.
We needed to then allow our thinking brains to dream what could be made out of those trees.
“God never made a table. He gave us trees.” TD Jakes
With our God-given brains, we’re able to look at the trees and conceptualize using that wood to create things that make our lives and the lives of those around us better. We get to collaborate with the creator.
TD Jakes then goes on to say, “…stop praying for a table, pray for God to show you the trees and then roll up your sleeves, think, and go chop them down.”
These words have not only inspired me, they’ve set me free.
It’s opened my eyes to look at the things God has given me and roll up my sleeves and go to work.
Now the reality is some people have been given more than others in life. Some people have more talent than others. Some people have been set up for success more than others.
But here’s the freeing thing-that doesn’t matter.
The point is to identify the trees in your own life, roll up your sleeves and start making some tables and chairs.
In the Bible, we have the parable of the talents.( Matt 25:14-30)
In it, Jesus explains the story of 3 people with 3 different levels of talent. One has 1. One has 2. One has 5.
The person who had 5, made 5 more and the person who had 2, made 2 more. Each were given different amounts yet they still both produced a 100% return. This means the guy with 1 talent only needed to produce 1 more talent to be on an equal playing field with the other two.
Just one. But we all know the end of this story.
He got lazy. He did nothing. He actually hid his talent, pretending it wasn’t even there. So come harvest time, it produced nothing.
The question I (embarrassingly) wrestle with most is if I am a 1, 5 or 10 talent kind of person. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter. All I am supposed to do is take what God has blessed me with, what He’s put in my hand (seriously go read this post right after you’re done here!) and multiply it.
I know I am not one of the best speakers on the planet. And I’m fully aware I’m not the greatest writer, leader or most equipped person on this planet.
So my goal shouldn’t be to be THE “best,” as counter-cultural as that may sound.
I’m never going to be TD Jakes or Steven Furtick. And you know what, I don’t have to be. And neither do you. God already made them, now, He needs you.
Our goal should be to work as hard as we can to maximize the platform, gifts, talents, and resources God has blessed us with.
Don’t worry about being the best.
Don’t compare yourself to others. (Here’s some practical help with that)
Look at what you do have, be it little or much, and start maximizing it today.
Pray for provision, by all means! You have a Heavenly Father that is crazy about you and loves to give good gifts to His kids after all. BUT be very aware that what God provides may look a whole lot more like a tree instead of a table.
What are the trees in your life right now? What will you do with what God has already entrusted to you?
Your life is not small friend. And by combining that awesome brain of yours with the power of God, there’s no telling what you’re going to make from those trees.
Until next time,
Before you go, we think you TOTALLY deserve to laugh and be encouraged and equipped to live the life you want to live. And we’re going to help:SUBSCRIBE HERE
This is so profound and simple at the same time. Thanks for this challenge Chris!
Thank you Carol, your encouragement is such a gift to us!
I can completely relate to this and I’m so glad you shared it today. Much needed! God bless you!
So glad it spoke to your heart today Connie!
This is Motivation! Thank You!
You are so welcome! Thanks for reading Tom!
Absolutely awesome Word and easy enough for me to comprehend! Thanks Chris! Love you guys!
I am so glad you liked it Michelle. Thank you for reading and being so supportive of us.