Sinterklaas Hot Chocolate

In the country I live in, The Netherlands, people, especially the children, celebrate Sinterklaas, also called Saint Nicholas. He arrives by boat and brings lots of presents, just like Santa. Instead of a sleigh he has a white horse, called Amerigo. The horse can't fly, like the reindeers, but has another magic power: he can climb and walk over rooftops. To get a present children have to put their shoe in front of the mantelpiece (a radiator will do, too) before they go to bed, preferably with a carrot or some hay for Amerigo in it, and sing Sinterklaas songs. Sinterklaas or one of his helpers will go down the chimney to put toys, pepernoten (small ginger snap like cookies), letters of chocolate or other sweets in the shoe. 

Last weekend the daughters of my husband's sister stayed over. They have about the same age as our own daughters, so unnecessary to say it was one big happening at our house. Even more because Sinterklaas just arrived that day, so they could set their shoes. 

Apart from pepernoten, little meringues, speculaas and chocolate letters, hot chocolate is a favorite when it comes to Sinterklaas. So while we all watched a movie together I made some hot chocolate with whipped cream and pepernoten.



My little Perler Beads Project was featured by Creative Jewish Mom!

Thanks, Sara!


  1. Good evening Sara, I love to learn about Christmas traditions as they are so varied. You sound like you had a wonderful time celebrating Sinterklaas with your family.
    I loved how you ended your evening by watching a film and drinking hot chocolate.... nothing could be more perfect.
    With best wishes.

  2. What a precious tradition! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Oh! That hot chocolate looks delicious! I enjoy learning about other's traditions. I collect Santas and have several that are riding a white horse, although I think one might be a deer. Now I realize, I'm also a collector of Sinterklaas.

    1. If he also wears a mitre and looks like a bishop, it's Sinterklaas, haha!

  4. Liz, I enjoyed reading about your traditions for celebrating Sinterklaas. Just goes to show, no matter where you live in the world, this time of year is quite magical!!
    Thank you for sharing this story with Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week. I'm delighted to be sharing it at tonight's party.

    1. Thank you very much for featuring me, Kerryanne!

  5. Sinterklaas zag ik staan onder je foto bij de Sweet Inspiration link Party
    ik denk daar ga ik ff kijken ...ik woon al meer dan 25 jaar niet meer in
    Nederland en dat is nu net wat ik mis ... peppernoten en banketstaaf
    en schuimpjes heerlijk ...mmmmm als ik mijn ogen sluit zie ik een Piet
    strooien ....en ik ben nog wel zoet geweest dit jaar ..
    een fijne sinterklaas avond ...
    groetjes uit Griekenland

    1. Wat leuk, een bericht uit Griekenland! Het is een geweldige tijd, die paar weken voorafgaand aan 5 december. De leukste tijd van het jaar, wat mij betreft! Groetjes!

  6. I so enjoyed learning about your Sinterklaas tradition - and what an amazing hot chocolate! Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party!

  7. That hot chocolate looks absolutely yummy! Dessert in a glass :) (BTW: I loved learning about Sinterklaas and the stories surrounding him in the Netherlands. Carrots in shoes! That's one of the most interesting parts ;) )

  8. Je warme choco ziet er super mooi uit! (en lekker!)


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