Tarissa's Reviews > Where Bugles Call

Where Bugles Call by Lee Roddy
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's review

it was amazing

Yeah! I like a lot of things about "Where Bugles Call". In fact, I liked this book better than the 1st in the series. I'm now more excited to see where the next books lead into.

There's some real drama playing -- elements that I feel are very true to the Civil War era. Plus, it's filled with quality morals for kids, has some good elements of faith (such as the characters offering to pray for each other), and an overall plot that entwines many stories.

Gideon is on a mission to help and save his family, Emily is trying her hardest to get out of the South where her views are not welcome, and Nat is trying to escape from his plantation...

I'm intrigued to find out how the story continues, and these stories continue to entertwine.
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Started Reading
February 7, 2018 – Shelved
February 7, 2018 – Finished Reading

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