Tarissa's Reviews > The Falcon at the Portal

The Falcon at the Portal by Elizabeth Peters
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's review

it was amazing

This volume CAN'T BE MISSED. Some really epic changes take place in the Emerson-Peabody household. Like new marriage(s). What an intriguing mystery trail on who is ill-using David's name as a forged antiques dealer too. There's actually some emotional ups and downs. Shocking secrets pop up. I just didn't know if the surprises were ever to stop.

However, I am disappointed though in Nefret's poor decision... Why, Nefret, why??? But... perhaps it had to be done... for other (future-and-unknown-to-me) plots to come about... I don't know though.

Overall? I was entranced.
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February 10, 2018 – Shelved
February 10, 2018 – Finished Reading

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