Saturday, February 17, 2018

How to make your own FARMHOUSE sign


I really wasn't looking to make a new sign for my kitchen, but as I was looking around the


  on Friday I found this great looking piece stuck in the corner.

It was my price.....$.99....but when I flipped it over, I gasped. It was not only hideous but it had an

offensive bit of so called humor.

I was embarrassed by my purchase, I ignored the stares and repeated over and over....I'm going to

paint it !

SO....There are NO before pictures !  I used white Chalk Paint to cover it immediately!

The sign was large 28'' long by 7'' wide and just the right size for the word FARMHOUSE.
                             I used : white chalk paint, black acrylic paint, clear wax
                                             a brush, foam or bristle

                                        3 '' stencils,  a couple sheets of paper taped together
                                                carbon paper taped to the back of lettering

                                          sand paper or sanding block
Laid out the stencils to see if it would fit the sign
Stenciled on to paper for final placement
                                 Taped carbon paper  or Graphite paper if you have it, to back of paper.

                               Center the word on the board. Tape in place. Draw over your stencil lines.

                                   Remove your paper and fill in with paint. After the paint has dried,

                                       you can go over the whole sign with a light sanding to give it a

                                     distressed look. You can seal with clear wax if you like.

The after was much better than the before!
Keep a look out for those wood items with great potential.
Happy Hunting at the GOOD WILL,


  1. Looks great, Lisa! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you for Hosting! And for your kind words xoxLisaS

  2. It turned out very nice and to purchase your completed sign in a store would be expensive. Great job! Thank you for sharing it on Party in Your PJ's.

  3. Hilarious! But great purchase and I love how it turned out.
    :) gwingal

    1. Nikki,So glad you stopped by ! Thank you so much, I really appreciate the visit. xoLisaS

  4. That is a great sign and I had to chuckle at your story. The things we do in the name of crafting! Pinned.

    1. Mother of 3,
      So true. I didn't want my Husband to see it the way it was. xoLisaS


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