Tarissa's Reviews > Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics

Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics by Chris Grabenstein
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really liked it

Well, there's 2 things I could rant at...

#1. I am angry at Mr. Lemoncello because he allowed a nit-picking student to sway his (and a top librarian's) judgement on who should receive a certain prize in particular. Obviously, two students arrived at a correct answer, thus they should have split the prize -- or forfeit it mutually, if needed. Regardless, THE SITUATION WASN'T DEALT WITH FAIRLY.

#2. This book has one moment SO SCARY, it was unbelievable. My literature-lovin' heart just about stopped beating when an ACTUAL BOOK-BURNING was announced. I mean FIRE + BOOKS. WHOAAA! Talk about a plot twist/climax. I was squirming in my seat through the whole thing.

Other than that? It's a really fun story. I absolutely love books about... well, books. And the story keeps you on your toes!
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Reading Progress

November 6, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
November 6, 2017 – Shelved
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February 18, 2018 – Finished Reading

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