Tarissa's Reviews > Chocolate Covered Murder

Chocolate Covered Murder by Leslie Meier
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it was ok

This volume of the Lucy Stone series felt like it had a lot more mature, adult content than others do. I guess because it's about Valentine's Day, and everything has to be all about “romance”... It starts out with “naughty” chocolates, and builds until there's plenty of other “mature” stuff going on – and it includes a killer posing the female victim's naked body, among other things.

Now, I just couldn't believe that Lucy uttered suicidal words about half-way through the book – when the situation definitely needn't call for that extreme kind of thought, even if it was a partial joke. It made me feel like I must have missed something, if she felt that bad about life. And then... after we get through the climax later on (which did make my heart thump a little louder, to be sure, as Lucy's life hung in the balance)... oh no, she felt totally fine with life at that point. Okay... And then there's that little tidbit at the end of the story that certainly does not feel like it was written by a woman at all, based on a little discussion between Lucy and her husband concerning dinner... too weird. One other thing, there is mild foul language.

But there's the end of my rant(s).

Had this been my first Lucy Stone novel, I don't think I would have been too interested in continuing. As it is though, I don't mind reading one, now and then. But this volume was more of a low point in the series for me.
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Hannah Ah, you agreed with me. I wrote the entire series off because of this one...it was my first Lucy book.

Tarissa Hannah wrote: "Ah, you agreed with me. I wrote the entire series off because of this one...it was my first Lucy book."

I've read 3 others before this one, and they weren't near as bad as this one. :/

Linnae Rondeau Yes, I usually like these but the victim blaming, I’m on a diet, and make me my meatloaf nonsense would have made me never read another. Glad this wasn’t the first I read of the series since the others were pretty good.

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