Thursday, 3 May 2018

The walking of 303,157 steps in April.

We rehomed our latest dog in the middle of January and over the last month she has really come out of her shell. At the start of April I started logging my steps Monday-Friday just when I was out of the house. Out with working hours my step counter gets left upstairs or sits on the table next to my chair. So my Mon -Friday steps were predominantly made up from walking the dog. My dog walking has accounted for an average of 10,000 steps a day, so I am quite happy with that.

April steps 

I have been in contact with The Active Travel hub Ayr, a local organisation that encourages people to walk and cycle more.They were running a challenge over the month of April to see who walked the most steps every week,with a nice prize for each weeks winner. So having the dog this seemed a good combination and I decided to join in. A win win all round, even if I do not win one of the prizes,  more walking for me, and all the benefits this leads to as well as enjoying watching the changes in nature, combined with having fun with the latest addition to the family. It is impossible to drag hubby out for a walk if we don't have a dog so hubby also benefits from having her. I have also signed up for a cycle ride next week with them.

Now I have to say hubby really irritates me in so much as he only needs to think about exercising and he loses weight where as I find it a lot more difficult to shift. Being a menopausal woman who has food allergy and intolerance issues then eating a healthy diet is quite difficult. A salad or a piece of fruit is a no go for me.

In May I am going to try and keep my step counter on me all of the time so I can see how much I actually clock up. I am going to be using map my walk on my phone, when I remember to turn it on, so I can see how much I actually do with the dog, Will be interesting to see how much of it is outside and how much of it is wandering round the house.

So the walking as well as hopefully helping lose weight, helping my heart, regulating my blood pressure, helping to regulate my blood sugar level, strengthening my bones, reducing stress and lifting my mood it is also getting me out in nature and allowing me to photograph the changing seasons and allowing me to enjoy nature.

So here are some of the pictures I have taken while out for walks with the dog and hubby.

Fairy in the local woods 

reflections on a pond

reflections at the fishery

swans at the fishery 

raindrops on snowdrops 

down to the local park with the granddaughter 

Dumfries House Cumnock 

looking up river at Failford 

snowy logs down the local woods 

a seat at Dumfries house 

braving the cold weather and enjoying the snow

getting exercise jumping the stream

Squirrel at Belleisle Park Ayr

from spawn at Auchincruive

along the River Ayr 

Sunset at the dam at Ayr 

painted rocks we found at Belleisle Park Ayr

 reminiscing while we walk round Lanfine Estate in Darvel. 

watching the ducklings grow at Tarbolton Fishery 

blossoming buds at Auchincruive

grey and choppy water at Tarbolton Fishery 

Will be interesting to see how many I can clock up in May. I will let you know. I will be sharing some pictures of our daily walks with #WalkThisMay on social media.

Post Comment Love


  1. Good for you! Keep it up. #pocolo

  2. Congratulations - what a fantastic achievement.



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