Hi friends,
Star Wars Day is this Friday and, since the Darth Maul series on Netflix was an April Fool’s joke (which was just downright mean), I decided to get into the “holiday” spirit and designed some Star Wars-inspired shirts. But they couldn’t be any kind of Star Wars shirts, they had to be unique. One of the most unique things about Star Wars (in my opinion) is the fact that there are so many different types of groups, or “squads”. Some people are fans of Jedis, and some people are fans of Siths, so I wanted to make sure to include a variety of squads from the Star Wars universe. I made the Star Wars #SquadGoals shirts in two different formats; lists and silhouette. Click on the squad of your choice to download the image to use for your cut file!
Jedi Masters . Original Trilogy . New Trilogy
First Order . Sith Lords . Bounty Hunters
Jedi Masters . Original Trilogy . New Trilogy
First Order . Sith Lords . Bounty Hunters
So, which is your favorite Star Wars #SquadGoals? Let me know in the comments below!
Oh! And before I go…today is April 30th so you know what that means! Tomorrow…
C’mon, you know it wouldn’t be the Fox Den if I didn’t do one of my favorite jokes. ;)
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Check these other Star Wars DIYs and free cut files!

[…] holiday, Star Wars Day, was this week and to celebrate I created a TON of Star Wars #SquadGoals cut files that are free to […]