Monday, July 26, 2010

The Best Stuff on Earth

Yes I AM talking about Snapple.  And to be more specific, I am talking about Snapple Trop-A-Rocka.  I CANNOT get enough of that delicious stuff!  And sadly, I can never find it at the store.  They are ALWAYS sold out -- so when they do happen to have it, I buy several cases...sometimes I buy it all -- even if I have to dig to the back of the shelf to get it.  Yes, I am THAT lady at the store.  Embarrassing.  Well since I'm guzzling this stuff all the time I had been recycling all those lovely glass bottles....until recently.  After taking a longer look at the bottles, I realized they were really cute -- they had a lovely shape, plus I had like a bazillion of them.

Now, I'll warn you  - this is not an original project.  I've seen people do this with other unfortunately, I'm not the genius behind it's originality. But I did make it my own with some added decorations.

I peeled off the labels from my bottles, but it left a sticky residue behind.  Yuck.  

I took some goo gone and removed it and then cleaned the bottles so they were ready for my paint.

I grabbed a can of my Valspar Gloss White and gave the bottles a few coats of white loveliness.

Then I dug through my scrapbooking stash and added some rub-on vinyl I had leftover from a scrapbook page.  I thought my bottles needed a little bit more, so I added some of these jewels stick-on things to the mouths of the bottles.  If you decide to do this, you might want to glue them on -- mine kept sliding off after a while, so I decided to take the hot glue gun to them.  

So are you ready to see?

Cute?  And here's the close up of those jewels:

For a zero cost project I think it'll do. :)  And I'd love to show you where I put them.......but you'll just have to wait.  I have a whole room transformation that I can't wait to show you!  (but the paint's still drying, so I'll have to share another day).

Linking up to:
Mondays:Between Naps on the Porch ; C.R.A.F.T; Craft-O-Maniac; Keeping it Simple; Mad in Crafts; Making the World Cuter; The DIY Showoff; The Girl Creative Tuesdays:  All Thingz Related; House of Grace; I'm Topsy Turvy; Lucky Star Lane; Sugar Bee Craft Edition; The CSI Project; These Creative Juices; Today's Creative Blog Wednesdays:  Blue Cricket Design; Creations by Kara; Debbiedoos; Domestically Speaking; My Backyard Eden; Night Owl Crafting; Seven Thirty Three; Someday Crafts; The Thrifty Home; Trendy Treehouse Thursdays: Beyond the Picket Fence; Craftastical!; Fireflies & Jellybeans; House of Hepworths; Life as Lori; Somewhat Simple; The Shabby Chic Cottage Fridays:  Chic on a Shoestring; Finding Fabulous; Fingerprints on the Fridge; Frou Frou Decor; Frugal & Fabulous Design; It's a Hodge Podge Life; It's Fun to Craft!: Just a Girl; Remodelaholic; Simply Designing; The Shabby Nest; Tatertots & Jello Weekend:  A  Little Lovely; Be Different Act Normal; Funky Junk Interiors; House of Thrifty Decor; I Heart Naptime; Kuzak's Closet; Under the Table & Dreaming

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