Tarissa's Reviews > The Other Alcott

The Other Alcott by Elise Hooper
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it was ok

I didn't love this book as much as I thought I might, regrettably. I'll just jump right in to my reasons why...

Notes to the discerning reader: Here is a list of things I wasn't prepared to read about in the novel, and why I can't recommend this book to my own friends.
• May has “feelings” regarding her teacher (who is married).
• There was an instance of (mild) foul language... which had to be repeated later, because May liked saying it.
• Descriptions of nude models (some of it I could take, but there is one scene where the male model is specifically trying to gain her attention via awkward poses).

Overall, the story is rather fascinating, and I did learn much about the life of May Alcott. Such as... she was ambitious, determined to pursue her passion of art. She dared to prove society wrong, as May was a woman trying to make it in a predominantly man's field of work. And... I was also intrigued to discover that May actually illustrated the first edition of her sister Louisa's book Little Women – although the critics happened to not like the pictures.

So, if you don't mind some of the content I mentioned at the beginning of my review, you might like the story, as there are some good details in there, and quite a bit of fact, I'm sure.

My 3rd book is complete for the Louisa May Alcott reading challenge on www.inthebookcase.blogspot.com.
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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Kai Charles(Fiction State Of Mind) Very balanced review, its so important to share things that bother you and can effect your review . Hopefully you will enjoy your next book

Tarissa Fiction State Of Mind wrote: "Very balanced review, its so important to share things that bother you and can effect your review . Hopefully you will enjoy your next book"

Thank you! Agreed. I like reading other people's reviews where they really balance the pros and cons.

message 3: by Sophia (new)

Sophia I know very little about Louisa Alcott so I'd be curious about this one since its about her sister. Good to know there might be some iffy stuff.

message 4: by Kristin (new)

Kristin Sounds like an interesting story about the Alcott family ☺

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