Hello and welcome to my blog
My name is Donna Gray I am an Independent Stampin Up!® Demonstrator from
the Northern Rivers Area in NSW Australia
A large number of demonstrators from all over the world are a part of Kylie's
Demonstrator Program This program allows us to obtain the tools to grow our business
and learn from each other what practices other demonstrators have
implemented into their business to help them grow and run a successful business in
the hope that we may earn the Stampin Up! incentive trip which I was
fortunate enough to do in last years Go For Greece training group
Woo Hoo I am off overseas for the first time in my life I never dreamed that
Stampin Up! would create this opportunity for me but it has & I am over
the moon that my husband & I get this opportunity to travel overseas
for the first time in our lives
Thank You Stampin Up!
I have only been with Stampin Up! for 2 years and one of
the best tools that I implemented into my business was doing live videos
on my facebook page every week
Below is a picture of the 3 cards I created in my last live video I had my
nephews engagement party to go to so I made his engagement card in
my live video
If you would like to watch my live video replay please click the video below I am
a visual learner so I love watching video tutorials
I hope you enjoyed the little snippet of what I am up to in my
Stampin Up! business
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