Hopping with Kylie and the Gang

Welcome to Keep It Simple, Stampers! My name is Joanne Cantrell and I am from a tiny little town in the middle of the United States. Thank you so much for stopping by to see my project today!

Someone posted a wonderful card on Facebook that sparked my imagination. It was a dragon that was created by using the new petal punch. I thought it was a great idea. If I had a picture of it, I’d show it to you, but I don’t remember who posted it and it was a while back. But, That was my inspiration.

And, if you saw my last post, you have learned about how I am the maid with the dirty house. I create cards by the hundreds but I am the absolute worst when it comes to sending cards!

So, I made this card. With a purpose. To send it to my nephew. For his birthday. In a couple weeks.

My nephew has bearded dragons, so I was trying to make a card that looked like them. I failed miserably. See the dragon below for reference! His name is Spike!

First, I’ll give you a couple photos of how I created this card, then I’ll continue with my story.

Here are the colors I used…

I sponged the edges of the punched pieces using these colors.

Here are the punches used…

The scales were all punched using the bulb punch. The teeth are the leaves from the leaf punch. The circle punches and starburst punch created the eyes.

and, a little glimpse at how I lined up the scales.

I did try to do it by eye, but then the rows were getting all wonky, so I drew some lines. I used Tombow Multipurpose glue – in a line along the wide part of the bulbs. You can see a little of it peeking up between the bulbs in that top row.

When I finished the rows, and figured out how to make the top of the slider…

Oh, did I forget to mention this card is a gift card holder and it slides up. It is a Pocket card or whatever it is called these days

… anyway… It was looking like an owl so I added the silly eyes and the teeth.

Here is my mandatory close-up.

And here is the full card pulled out…

And, without the gift card in it’s pocket.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this project. I look forward to seeing you again! Now it’s time to hop along and see what every one else has for you!

(Linkup closed)

Until next time… keep it simple, Stampers!

🙂 Joanne

10 thoughts on “Hopping with Kylie and the Gang

  1. What fun. Like you I am hopeless at sending cards. It is my New Year’s resolution every year. My daughter has a bearded dragon too, so your post really spoke to me. I love this. Helen x

  2. OMIGOSH, Joanne!!! Love this and I’m sure your nephew will love it, too! Failed in your eyes, but not by the viewers and your nephew, I’m sure. Such an inspiration full of love and details. 🙂

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