101 Amazing Uses for Honey
Honey is fabulous! We’ve been talking about all kinds of Amazing Uses for things, now we’re on to honey! Ahh, sweet honey!
Alright, who doesn’t love honey? All those with raised hands can sit back and learn why you should totally change your minds. We welcome you and look forward to introducing you to some awesome reasons you uses for honey. For those of you who already love it, we’re bringing even more reasons!
This book was written by Susan Branson and published by Familius Publishing. We’ve reviewed two of her other books and you’re gonna love them: 101 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar 101 Amazing Uses for Garlic and 101 Uses for Essential Oils. We have loved their books for a long time and hopefully by now you are seeing why they are so amazing!
Now, I must say they totally forgot to add in how fabulous honey is with chicken strips. This girl can only assume it’s because they know it’s common knowledge. It’s also amazing on Spanish rice, enchiladas and fajitas. If you haven’t tried it, I encourage you to do so! (And yes, they will look at you funny at a Mexican restaurant when you ask for it, but they will have it.)
Now, on to the Book!
This book follows suit with the others in that it has the different shades of black in order for readers to easily flip to the section they prefer. LOVE this feature! We’ll break down the chapters for you and point out a few of the fabulous uses they mention. You’ll still need to get the book in order to know exactly how to use them. Don’t worry, all of the info is cited properly in the back, so you can verify it if you’d like.
Each chapter heads sections with what they treat and there are SO many. Well, 101 to be exact. Some of them totally surprised me! I also love that she tells us how to use honey to treat the various things!
- Chapter 1: Support Health Over Disease
- Asthma, various types of cancer, chicken pox, Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, Food Poisoning, Gingivitus, High Blood Pressure and many others.
- Chapter 2: Safeguard Well-Being
- Aerobic Performance, Anxiety, Cognitive Function, Coughs, Depression, Diaper Rash, Fever, Hemorrhoids, Heartburn, Itchy Skin, Pink Eye, Various cold/flu symptoms, Vomiting, Warts, Weight Loss, and of course, many others!
- Chapter 3: Salvage Hair & Skin
- Acne, Aging, Dandruff, Nails, Dry Skin, Shaving Cream (can’t wait to try the ‘recipe’!), Split Ends, Sunburns and more!
- Chapter 4: Indoors and Outdoors
- Almond Milk (Recipe), Various Pests, Pet Hot Spots, Sports Drink (recipe), various cooking recipes and uses, Wilted Plants and more!
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We’ve also reviewed 15 Minute Mindful Meals and A Beginner’s Guide to Rag Quilting and Skinny Southern (I know, I didn’t believe that was possible either) which were also published by Familius. They have some fantastic books and we can’t wait to bring you more!
If you are a parent, we also reviewed Dear Libby which answers questions pre-teens and teens ask everyday. Along with The Five Foundations of Successful Teens. Both of which are amazing books and do not disappoint. Familius does well at sticking by their motto!
wow so many uses for honey
wow didn’t know you could use honey for so many things
I really like the part that actually helps the hair and the nails.
I am extremely interested in honey as an alternative medicine for some less serious problems
I want to read the book because I love honey!
I love honey. It’s so versatile. I’d love to find out even more uses that I might have missed
I’m really looking forward to reading the first chapter: Support Health Over Disease. I like using natural remedies whenever possible.
This looks like a super useful and informative book. I would love to learn more about how I can use honey in health remedies.
I never knew there were so many different uses and health benefits from honey.
I didn’t realize there were so many different uses for honey that are good for health.
I have heard many tales of miraculous properties of honey like allergy relief and antibacterial. I haven’t tried it extensively myself. Maybe I need the book to convince me to buy local honey again.
I love honey. I use it when I bake, in my coffee in the morning and my tea at night….but I know there must be many other options. Would enjoy learning them.
Honey is amazing, I have used it, in a raw for to help heal my throat after acid reflux.
It looks like a good read.
Very cool book, i use honey for my allergies. they have tons of local farms that harvest honey and i have a teaspoon a day to fight allergies. I would love this book because i would love to make recipes with honey. I am one of those with my hand up because i do love honey too!
I use honey when I have a sore throat.
I love that they have included some recipes with honey. I never realized all the possible uses of honey. Thanks for sharing.
I love cooking with honey! Such a great way to make things sweet!
I like to use honey for a sore throat, I will take a spoonful before bed and I wake up better! I need this book and the other 2 you mentioned because I don’t like taking over the counter meds.
I would have never guessed that there were so many uses for honey! This is a must have resource for those who want to avoid processed sugar! Thank you for sharing!
My grand father always swore by the healing effects of Honey. He use to take some daily. I would love to find out more about the uses
I have serious health issues and for the past 10 years have been trying to remain as natural as possible in my journey. This book sounds like a perfect resource that I need to add to my library of natural healing reads. I am beyond curious to read and use the Sports Drink (recipe) in Chapter 4. We would make it all summer long.
I had no idea you could use honey to help house plants! Seems like a very helpful book.
Honey is the best! Hope to win so I can learn to make some natural body care products with it
I have know for a very long time how great honey is both to ingest and use topically.
We love the benfits so much we have secured bees and will become bee keepers soon!
Nervous and excited too
I would really like this book to try some of the honey recipes.
Honey has so many uses would love to explore this book and see
This book sounds fascinating,I didn’t realize there were so many uses for honey.
I’ve always heard that honey has such great qualities, and I’m excited to see what all it can do.
I would love to read about all of the beneficial uses of honey.
This books sounds really interesting!
lots of ways to use it
This sounds so wonderful. Honey is delicious and I love using it to its fullest potential.
My husband and I love the healing properties of Honey. We have mainly the raw unpasteurized to use for our tea and other things that call for honey. We try to keep a manuka honey on hand too. I would love to know more about how honey is good for you.
My husband and I are interested in Honey and the many benefits. We try to purchase the Manuka honey for healing properties and also the raw unpasteurized honey for our use in tea and other things.